Back again! As promised, here there are some more pictures of the mount Fuji. Thanks to Julien, I could get those photos just before he leaves (lucky him, leaving for Japan next Monday!!... the fashion shows are wainting for him!). I also wanted to say a big thanks to Hiro, Chizuru and Yoshie, we really had an unforgetable day!
The majestic Mount Fuji, standing prouldy in the heart of Japan. A symbol high of 3776 meters.
Hiro's van! A long way by night to get there. We were listen to The Beatles Album on the road and the thing which is amazing is that the music excatly stop when Hiro stoped the van with the feet of the Fuji San. On the pic, we can see Hiro, probably looking for some cigarettes.
Here we are! All waiting for the sun to come out of the clouds!
Julien (said Ronron...) and me. Don't worry Ronron doesn't really have this face.
Chris... who can't stop to make this joke.
Julien again... amazingly here!
We weren't alone on the good spot. When we arrived here, there were only one car... hope we didn't disturb them!
It will come... in few seconds!!
Still waiting.... Chris, Chizuru, Yoshie saying hello, me (calling for the sun to come... great joke) and Julien who can not be normal on a photo!
Chizuru with the hair in the wind...
Finally! The sun is lighting the top of the Mount Fuji, the show is begining!
The sun over a sea of clouds...
Yoshie is filled with wonder by the spectacle. It looks like she was gazing at an Angel. Behind, Hiro is probably worried because he couldn't find his cigaettes.
Now the whole moutain is under the sun light.
Hiro and Yoshie holding the sun.
Me, Chris and Julien... all very cold but delighted by what we saw.
It's time to get in the car to have a look around.
After being a bit worried by the weather, the clouds all gone and we could admire the Fuji San. The weather was exceptionnal.
Not excatly in winter yet, there wasn't so much snow on the top.
The whole Fuji is his famous typical shape... After a walk near the lake we went to an Onsen (previous post). Then we went back to Tokyo.